Fostering Brilliance

A message from principal Dr. Leanne Foster

UTS is a community that is passionate about learning, not just for our students but for everyone. Coming next month, we are so pleased to offer you an opportunity to learn from visionary U.S.-based educator and author Dr. Paul Gorski.

The Question of Class: A Presentation with Dr. Paul Gorski
Thursday, October 10, 2024
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
University of Toronto Schools

The author, co-author or editor of 12 books including his most recent, Fix Injustice, Not Kids and Other Principles for Transformative Equity Leadership, Dr. Gorski is an inspiring speaker with important messages for our community. 

Founder of the Equity Literacy Institute, he has worked with educators  in 48 states and 12 countries. Dr. Gorski brings 25 years of experience helping educators, nonprofit workers, and others in building deep and meaningful equity practices that put the student at the centre, which is so important to our school as we begin to implement work on our new Strategic Plan.  

This event is open to the public and I am making a special invitation to all our families and guardians to join us in exploring how to create real impact and transform our school into a place where all students thrive. I am very excited about this event, and expect it will be an inspiring evening for everyone. 

 Looking forward to seeing you there.

Dr. Leanne Foster
UTS Principal

Coming up next at UTS

All Grades

Emma Jenkin Emma Jenkin

September 19, 2024

Mobile Device and Laptop Policy

Our full enforcement of this policy begins on September 23. The policy can be found on MyUTS. Please note the following changes:  

  • Laptops and single-purpose e-readers are allowed at UTS. Smartwatches and tablets that are on ‘School Mode’ are allowed at UTS. These devices should be used only for the purposes of organization, classwork, homework completion and email. 

  • During lunchtime and breaks, laptops, tablets and single use e-readers can be used for school work. 

  • Laptops should not be used for connecting to social media, gaming or watching videos during these times.

  • Cell phone use is permitted after school solely to coordinate safe transportation home.

Reporting Absences

Absences due to illness can be reported to the Main Office: 

Or by calling:



Fire and Lockdown Drills

The first fire drill will be next week. Over the course of the UTS school year, we will have six fire drills in compliance with Fire Code regulations and two lockdown drills. Please emphasize to your child that it is important to follow their teacher’s instructions, ensure they know the evacuation route out of the building from each class and that they stay with their class outside on the Huron-Washington Parkette until the all-clear is given.

Lost and Found

 The Lost and found is located on L1 across from Student Services. Please label commonly misplaced items such as water bottles, clothing and books. Items that are not collected will be donated at the end of each month. Valuable items can be collected from the Facilities Office L127 or Main Office 150. 

Allergies Awareness at UTS

UTS is not a nut-free environment, because students bring food from outside during lunchtime and breaks. However, some members of the UTS community do have anaphylactic allergies to nuts that require the use of Epi-pens. We ask all families to ensure that food sent from home is nut-free. As a part of our commitment to a safe school environment, UTS has ensured that all meals provided by the hot meal vendors are also nut-free.

Respiratory Illness Awareness

With fall comes respiratory illnesses. The following are some of the ways that you can help protect our school community:

  • Stay home if you are experiencing symptoms of illness. Symptoms may include sore throat, stuffy nose, headache, tiredness and fatigue. See this letter from Toronto District School Board for more information. 

  • Wash or sanitize your hands often, and cover your cough/sneeze into your elbow or a tissue.

  • Consider wearing a well-fitted, high-quality mask in crowded areas with poor ventilation, especially for those who are at higher risk of severe illness.

  • Consider getting your COVID-19 boosters and influenza vaccine once available.

Coffee Mornings at UTS for Parents and Guardians

You are invited to join UTS Principal Dr. Leanne Foster and other UTS representatives for coffee mornings at the school from 8 to 9 a.m.

Click on the links below for the event specific to your grade. We look forward to welcoming you!

F1 Coffee Morning - October 1

F2 Coffee Morning - October 2

M3/M4 Coffee Morning - October 8

F1 Coffee Morning - October 16

S5/S6 Coffee Morning - October 17

UTSPA Parent Volunteer Group

The UTS Parents’ Association invites you to join our Parent Volunteer Group (PVG). We need your help to support our school and students in various exciting events that are scheduled to take place throughout the year.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the UTSPA PVG this year and have not already signed up, please complete this form and express your areas of interest. UTSPA looks forward to working with you!

Student Hot Lunch Orders

UTS is excited to offer hot lunches! See menu options and order forms below.

Mindful Munch October 2024 Menu, Ingredient List

Flamme Fresh October 2024 Menu, October 2024 Vegetarian Menu, Ingredient List

The Question of Class: Keeping Schools Inclusive and Accessible

Thursday, October 10 at 6:30 p.m.

Save the date for a UTS community presentation by Dr. Paul Gorski, a leading expert in educational equity and how to address classism in schools.

Read More