Upcoming CAIS Accreditation Visit

UTS is pleased to be undertaking our first Canadian Accredited Independent Schools (CAIS) Accreditation visit from December 1 to 4, 2024. This visit marks a significant milestone in our ongoing commitment to excellence.

The CAIS Accreditation process provides our school an invaluable opportunity to reflect on our educational practices, share our successes and identify areas where we can continue to grow. As part of the process, we completed a School Self-Study over the past year that evaluated all aspects of our school – from academic programs and student life to governance and financial stewardship – against the comprehensive framework provided by 12 rigorous national CAIS standards.

Accreditation is not merely an obligation; it is a privilege that ensures UTS remains accountable to the highest standards of independent education. Through this five-year process, we demonstrate our commitment to providing an exceptional experience for our students while staying aligned to our mission and values. It also ensures that we remain a vital part of a network of Canada’s leading independent schools, continually learning and sharing best practices to enhance the education we provide to your children.

Preparing for this visit has been a collaborative effort involving many members of our school community, and I am grateful for the time and energy devoted by our staff to this undertaking. During the visit, the CAIS Peer Review team, which consists of 11 independent school educators and administrators from across Canada, will engage with students, staff, parents and alumni, offering us valuable external perspectives on our strengths and opportunities for growth.

We look forward to their visit and thank you for your ongoing support as we work together to ensure UTS continues to grow, reflect and evolve as a leading independent school.


Murray Sinclair: A Man Whose Life Touched Millions